Since you are here, you likely already know what SEO is and how important it is for pretty much any business. Search Engine Optimization includes many different techniques that, when applied right, can significantly boost your business.
The most important fact is that anyone looking for a product or service, looks online first. Most of the time they Google you, and whether you show up anywhere near the top of the results or not is pretty much the most important thing in bringing you business.
The Facts
- A regular optimization of any website will result in 113% jump in visits and 117% increase in clicks on that site.
- 88% of users who search for a type of business on a smartphone call or go to that business within 24 hours.
- 48% of users say if a company’s website is not responsive or mobile friendly, they’ll take it as an indication that business is simply not caring.
- 85% of adults think that a company’s website should look as good or better on a mobile device than on a desktop or laptop.
- 57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.
- Website visitors find information faster by scrolling rather than browsing through the site’s different pages.
- On average, visitors spend 80% of their time viewing the left half of the webpage and 20% viewing the right side.
- Website visitors spend 66% of their time and attention “below the fold” on a website layout, meaning they scroll lower down.
- Websites that loaded in 2.5 seconds had a bounce rate of 13%, whereas the pages that load in 3.3 seconds experienced a bounce rate of 20%. The bounce rate is when users abandon the page without engaging with it.
- 84% of respondents thought that design-driven businesses are significantly outperforming their competitors.
- 64% of total visitors want to see the company’s contact information on its homepage.
- 47% of people expect a web page to load in 2 seconds or less.
- 48% of people mentioned a website’s design is the most important factor in deciding the credibility of a business.
- Encrypted HTTPS web pages with valid SSL certificates often load faster than their non-encrypted HTTP counterparts.
- SSL-enabled HTTPS websites are automatically ranked higher by Google.
- Websites that are not responsive / mobile friendly are automatically downgraded by Google in terms of ranking.
- As of mid-2018, smartphones / mobile devices had a 64% share of all retail website visits, and for 2020, the projection is over 73%.
- 75% of consumers admit to making judgements on a company’s credibility based on the design of the company website.
- 33.6% of all websites on the internet run on WordPress.
- 100% of all websites on the Internet don’t have to suck in terms of design.
- Statista – Mobile phone internet user penetration statistics.…
- Ahrefs blog – Search Traffic Study
- TechJury SEO Stats: